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Applestar’s 2019 Garden, not yet, actually... not officially... but I AM pretty sure I will be growing these mostly newly acquired seeds. To be sure, this is a very partial and unconfirmed tentative list. I still have to think about line-up for my tomatoes and peppers, too, though the ones listed here are definite.

Artichoke Emerald F1
Brussels Sprouts Hestia F1
Buckwheat Takane Ruby Buckwheat
Cabbage Brunswick
Carrot Napoli OG
Carrot Yaya OG
Herbs Schisandra (backordered)
Lettuce Jack Ice OG Iceberg
Lettuce Blushed Butter Oaks OG Oakleaf
Lettuce Optima OG Butterhead
Lettuce Olga OG Romaine
Lettuce Anuenue OG Batavian
Melon Kajari Melon
Melon Ha'ogen Melon
Melon Collective Farm Woman Melon
Melon Montreal Market Muskmelon OG
Mustard Spicy Green Mustards
Onion Walla Walla
Pepper Aji Dulce Amarillo, deck 8.30.18 - P, seasoning, mild
Pepper D.K. Snacker, deck 11.21.17 - P, sweet, red
Pepper Pale Rider F6, deck 9.18.18 - P, hot, blushing
Pepper Rocoto (various — tbd)
Pumpkin seed Godiva OG
Shell Peas Emerald Archer OG
Shell Peas Iona Petit Pois
Soybeans Beer Friend
Soybeans Giant Midori OG
Soybeans Laura’s*
Soybeans Tankuro
Sweet Corn Latte Bicolor
Sweet Corn Luther Hill White OG
Tomato **MICRO** Aztek
Tomato **MICRO** Pinocchio Orange
Tomato Sweet Splash Yellow, A2, F5 deck 8.1.18 - T, Dwf, var PL
Tomato Sweet Splash Pink, A2, F5 deck arbor 7.18.18 - T, Dwf, var PL
Tomato CTBS, RL Dwf F3, deck 8.10.18 - T, Dwf, chartreuse
Tomato CTBS, PL Ind F3, arbor 8.15.18 - T, Dwf, chartreuse
Watermelon Jubilee Watermelon


:arrow: List of started tomatoes.
Last edited by applestar on Sun Mar 10, 2019 12:34 am, edited 6 times in total.
Reason: 2/7 Trial-started two of the micro dwarfs; 2/9 added Laura’s Soybeans; 3/9 link to final started tomatoes list

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I'll be over for dinner, lol.
Impressive list!

Artichokes take up a ton of room. I wish I had more space to grow them it just isn't worth the yield to space for my urban garden. But If you got the room, I say go for it.


I did battle Aphids and Ants the entire time when growing the artichokes.

This was my small one

This was the root system on the artichoke after one season, I'm sure it would have wintered over fine

It's a great plat even when left to flower.

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I gave them what I thought was the prime spot last year and they did not do well.

I’m Thinking about giving them one more chance, but off to the side, out of the way.... :P It’s a hit-or-miss area since the noon sun is brutal and tends to dry out in our annual summer drought since it’s out of the regular irrigation zones, but if we have a seriously wet system blow through (like a hurricane or tropical storm remnant), one of the main roof down spout can completely flood the area. A couple of years ago, I lost my rhubarb that had been planted there.

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You may have noticed I’m planning to grow some edamame soybeans this year, but have made no firm plans for growing regular beans.

As much as beans are (1) easy to grow and (2) as legumes are worth growing to add nitrogen to the garden soil via their rhizobia (as well as to maintain the bacterial count from year to year), I’m getting unbudgeable resistance from the family that finally made me realize I have to fall back and punt.

The fact is, I’m allergic to beans and only one who enthusiastically eats green/purple/yellow snap beans here is one of the kitties :shock: ... DD2 will eat them if I make them and serve them, but generally will not ask for seconds. And the poor kitty is having trouble finishing up the 2 gallons of frozen beans from last summer, when I didn’t even try very hard to grow them.

Edamame, however, is another story. *I’m* still allergic, but the DDs will eat them willingly, and will fight off their grandmother’s attempt to appropriate some of them when at a Japanese restaurant, and DH will eat them if the DDs will share.

In addition to the three varieties already listed, I purchased some dry Laura’s Soybeans for making soymilk. These are touted as “best” tasting for making soymilk. Their website was selling 2018 harvest beans when I was web-surfing, so I decided to get some. The soymilk won’t be for me, but I will experiment with soymilk and tofu making techniques. And I also decided to see if these are viable beans for growing... and they are! :D

As you can see, they have germinated in the canning jar sprouter:

So, I will reserve some for seed and grow them this year along with the other three varieties to compare as edamame/fresh green shelled beans.

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I’m not ready to call my garden started, but the 2/7 trial Aztek and Pinocchio Orange began to sprout since yesterday. They being “temporary” and “trial” I put their little (pint berry container inside a clamshell) on a footstool in front of the space heater, and whaddayaknow? O_o


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Who you kidding, your garden has been started long ago, lol.

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:mrgreen: I’m thinking maybe my idea of “starting the garden” is linked to starting the tomato seeds, although you are right in saying I HAVE been growing stuff — maybe I never stopped. :roll:

...but truthfully, it’s important to consider the seedling growing environment when talking about when to start them.

My tomato seedlings are held in the unheated, windowless garage once they grow a couple of pairs of true leaves ... This means low temps, initially as low as upper 40’s, and later on, daytime high doesn’t get as high as outside (or a cold-frame or a greenhouse ...which I really have been talking about building since forever). They grow slowly.

I’ve been finding out from trying to grow too many, that my group of tomatoes that are started later than about March 20 don’t grow as well in the seedling stage (I find it easier to just use popular holidays, so I’m actually using St. Patrick’s Day as the deadline, giving myself a couple of days of leniency). This could simply be my lack of dedication to the later babies because I’m already overwhelmed by the earlier ones, or lack of sufficient growing space. But they have also been subject to being overwhelmed by pests and start of fungal issues in the hardening off stage that the larger plants can shrug off or outgrow.

I think the best time to start the main tomato seeds for me is first 2 weeks of March. Micros and Dwarfs in the last week of February (Valentine’s Day signals the “gotta get started” impetus).

But according to my seed starting timeline, I should already have started the Brussels Sprouts I want to try to grow in spring for early summer harvest if possible, as well as cauliflower and broccoli, maybe cabbage, too. I do also want to try growing Brussels Sprouts for fall harvest — so start those later. I may or may not try the other brassicas for fall harvest yet again, but not wanting to use Bt means I have to keep them under insect netting covers all summer-fall which can get tedious. Summer pest pressure on those is way too high.

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OK. Posting about these shortcomings sometimes helps encourage me to get things going, although I’m afraid that so far, things are disorganized and haphazard....

... I did start the Hestia F1 Brussels Sprouts and also some cabbages (Brunswick) today.

As you can see, even with this kind of slapped together set up, these Aztek and Pinocchio Orange micro dwarf tomato seedlings are getting sufficient light and are looking good.


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It can get a bit overwhelming cant it!

Posting the good with the bad is part of it, after all everything cant be glitter, rainbows and unicorns, well maybe if you're growing and harvesting a certain mushroom, but we won't go there.

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Ah, but it IS fun to play with dirt potting mixes! :mrgreen:

I Uppotted some of the lettuce seedlings today, since they were already getting pretty crowded as you can see in the top-left photo. Still have NOT unpacked my seed starting stuff, so I just planted in whatever I could get my hands on — paper egg carton, clear plastic egg carton, individual pots, big pot that had an overwintering pepper in it that didn’t make it....


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Can you believe the Brunswick cabbages started to sprout yesterday, and Hestia Brussels Sprouts started to sprout today? I did soak them for about 8-12 hrs before sowing, but that really was quick. I had to move them from the warm footstool in fron to f the space heater to the cold Garage V8 Nursery since that is the only good light set up available for them right now. Brunswick’s were almost all sprouted already, but remaining Hestia will be slowed down. HOWEVER, according to Cornell, they can germinate in the 40’s so they will be up sooner or later.


...other things going on in the Garage V8 Nursery :
- one of the kale seedlings looks munched on :evil: ...suspecting mouse, but none of the others have been attacked so far. I dispatched the kitties on Garage Patrol Duty through the laundry room kitty door — they were SO EXCITED :lol:
- rosemary cuttings have not died. Hopefully this means they have rooted. The twisted green branches with hooked claws are Trifoliate Orange ‘Flying Dragon’ cuttings.
- Ladybeetle Indoor Garden patrol members that had been released here were .. um ... “busy” :oops:

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- It’s almost time to think about pruning apple, pear and perennial/evergreen trees and shrubs. We need daytime temp of 45°F or above.
- once night time low stays above 25°F, cold hardy greens can be planted out, so they need to be hardened off.

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I’m in trouble, I thought I was doing pretty good about keeping this year’s lists manageable until I started “organizing” the scattered seed packets and sorta-saved seeds. I feel like every variety of broccoli and tomato and pepper and eggplant I have (re)discovered I have seeds of, needs to be planted..... Image

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Currently looking at 6 varieties of eggplants that I started today — but I’m dealing with some old seeds so we shall see.... and 28 varieties of peppers and 64 varieties of tomatoes... but will likely add more micros. Lots of old seeds — I want to see if they will still grow for me with some extra prep work. Peppers will have to be decided this week,

Pepper *Rocoto — various, tbd
Pepper *Rocoto Canario
Pepper *Rocoto La Paz Rojo
Pepper *Rocoto Manzano
Pepper *Rocoto Montufar
Pepper *Rocoto San lsidro

Pepper **PEPPERS**
Pepper Aji Dulce Amarillo, deck 8.30.18 - P, seasoning, mild
Pepper Alma Paprika
Pepper Aloha (sunset/wholefoods) M1
Pepper Anaheim Chili Seeds
Pepper Bill’s Striped
Pepper Chocolate Cake -
Pepper D.K. Snacker, deck 11.21.17 - P, sweet, red
Pepper Doe Hill
Pepper Donkey Ears
Pepper Doux Long d’antibes ’14
Pepper Feherezon
Pepper Giant Sweet Devil’s Horn - ’17
Pepper Hab Chocolate
Pepper Liebesapfel
Pepper Lipstick
Pepper Mammoth Giant Jalapeño
Pepper Pacilla Bajio ’14
Pepper Pale Rider F6, deck 9.18.18 - P, hot, blushing
Pepper Peperone di Senise ’14
Pepper Saroksari Paprika ’14
Pepper Spanish Padron
Pepper Sweet Ingrid 2014
Pepper Turkish Tomato Pepper = Domates Biber

Tomato **TOMATOES**
Tomato ** Dwf MICRO** Aztek
Tomato ** Dwf MICRO** Orange Hat
Tomato ** Dwf MICRO** Pinocchio Orange

Tomato ** DWF** Blazing Beauty
Tomato ** DWF** Blush in SIP with Cow’s Tit?
Tomato ** DWF** Chocolate Lightning
Tomato ** DWF** Cream Sausage
Tomato ** DWF** CTBS, PL Ind F3, arbor 8.15.18 - T, Dwf, chartreuse
Tomato ** DWF** CTBS, RL Dwf F3, deck 8.10.18 - T, Dwf, chartreuse
Tomato ** DWF** Manö x Matt’s Wild Cherry F3
Tomato ** DWF** Mikado PL
Tomato ** DWF** Monomakh’s Hat
Tomato ** DWF** Mr. Snow
Tomato ** DWF** Pink Passion
Tomato ** DWF** Sweet Splash Pink, A2, F5 deck arbor 7.18.18 - T, Dwf, var PL
Tomato ** DWF** Sweet Splash Pink, A2, F5 deck arbor 7.18.18 - T, Dwf, var PL
Tomato ** DWF** Sweet Splash Yellow, A2, F5 deck 8.1.18 - T, Dwf, var PL
Tomato ** DWF** Uluru Ochre
Tomato ** DWF** Yellow Dwarf x Sungold F3
Tomato ** DWF** Yukon Quest (Budai Torpe (RL) and Black From Tula (RL))

Tomato **CHERRY** Afternoon Rosé
Tomato **CHERRY** Anna's Multiflora
Tomato **CHERRY** Coyote or Champagne Cherry
Tomato **CHERRY** Earl’s Green Cherry/Bassett’s Bleen
Tomato **CHERRY** Green Doctor
Tomato **CHERRY** Lady Fingers
Tomato **CHERRY** Matt’s Wild
Tomato **CHERRY** Molten Sky
Tomato **CHERRY** Wild Rosa

Tomato **DET** 42 Days
Tomato **DET** Bloody Butcher
Tomato **DET** Manö
Tomato **DET** Pennheart Dwf/Det
Tomato **DET** Shimofuri

Tomato **IND** *** PINEAPPLE PIG is very late so must start very early
Tomato **IND** 1884 Purple
Tomato **IND** Ananas Blau
Tomato **IND** Ananas Noire
Tomato **IND** Big Orange from Amuz
Tomato **IND** Big Orange Stripe
Tomato **IND** Brad’s Black Heart
Tomato **IND** Carbon
Tomato **IND** Cherokee Lime
Tomato **IND** Church
Tomato **IND** Cow’s Tit — try growing in a SIP with plenty of lime VGSIP?
Tomato **IND** Earl’s Faux
Tomato **IND** Faelan’s First Snow
Tomato **IND** Fish Lake Oxheart
Tomato **IND** German Johnson
Tomato **IND** Gold Medal
Tomato **IND** Grandma Viney’s Yellow/Pink
Tomato **IND** Kamati’s Tagalog
Tomato **IND** Little Lucky
Tomato **IND** Lucky Cross
Tomato **IND** Prudens Purple
Tomato **IND** Prue
Tomato **IND** Royal Hillbilly
Tomato **IND** Sgt. Pepper’s
Tomato **IND** Terhune
Tomato **IND** The Witz
Tomato **IND** Wes
Tomato **IND** Wessel’s Purple Pride
Tomato **IND** Yellow Brandywine
Tomato **IND** Zena’s Gift

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Awesome list.
Starting your peppers and eggplants pretty early? your zone 6 right?
I'll be doing my pepper and eggplants this week, zone 7.

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Historically, I have trouble getting them to germinate. Especially Eggplants. Last year, though, if I remember correctly, 2nd round of peppers that were started something like 2 weeks later benefitted from the generally warmer ambient temperature, so it’s a trade-off.... do I start extra-early to compensate for the long wait for them to sprout, or is it better to wait until later when growing ducks are better lined up?

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...look what you started... not sure if I should go down this rabbit hole — I might get obsesssed enough to plug in the numbers for all of them :roll:


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...I am soaking the seeds for 8-12 hrs in condiment cups — eggplant seeds were soaked in front of the heater, cabbages, etc. we’re soaked on kitchen counter. (Later on with peppers and tomatoes in mass production, I will be using the little seed-zip bags to conserve space)
- I used doubled K-cups for starting eggplant seeds, and am continuing to use the clear egg case for the brassicas.
- artichokes in the little pot with the juice bottle miniature greenhouse
- top right photo — Aztek and Pinocchio Orange micro dwarf tomato seedlings with first set of true leaves starting to grow. The characteristic short and stubby growth are already evident. They will continue to remain very short with very close internodes.

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Even though not impressively tidy and organized, I think I like seat-of-the-pants gardening, and indulge in it before the rush of main season starts.

Here, I had been busy and distracted for the past couple of days, and only noticed late yesterday PM that the Green Goliath broccoli and Michihili Chinese cabbage seeds had Sprouted maybe 2 days ago :shock:

I put them on a riser so they can be closer to the light. Hopfully I noticed them in time. There is room for them if I organize that area better — in the morning. :roll:


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I almost decided to grow peppers and eggplant from seed again this year, but no more than I plant in the garden the local Bonnie Plant Farm can provide. All my space, light and heaters for Cherokee Purple and Gary O'Sena tomatoes

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Priorities :flower:

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Progress report -

- Some of the early trial lettuces on the left. The seeds were started in a shallow divided candy tray and are at 21 days since sprouting according to my notes. These all need to be Uppotted since about 1 inch long roots are escaping from the drainage holes. (You can start some seeds in too-shallow containers, but you need to be careful not to dry them out if the roots grow down out to the drip tray.) Bottom photo shows some that are already Uppotted to a 6-pack cell.
- and Dazzling Blue kale will be hardened off to plant out once the overnight low stays above 28°F (or I might try setting up a low tunnel or other simple protection and plant earlier.

- Brunswick Cabbage and Hestia Brussels Sprouts
- Green Goliath Broccoli, Michihili Chinese cabbage
- Di Cicco OR Limba broccoli
- Aztek and Pinocchio Orange micro dwarf tomatoes
- Hari eggplant from saved seeds

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Seeds started today —

Spinach Bloomsdale Longstanding
Spinach Tyee F2
Greens Arugula
Herb Cilantro

Pepper *Rocoto Canario
Pepper *Rocoto La Paz Rojo
Pepper *Rocoto Manzano
Pepper *Rocoto Montufar
Pepper *Rocoto San lsidro
Pepper Aji Dulce Amarillo, deck 8.30.18 - P, seasoning, mild
Pepper Chocolate Cake - gixx
Pepper Chocolate Cake - itali’17
Pepper D.K. Snacker, deck 11.21.17 - P, sweet, red
Pepper Doux Long d’antibes ellie’14
Pepper Fish ‘Goldfish’ - MedVar Fish orange ripe winter’14-15
Pepper Fish ‘SuperVar’ - Jan’15
Pepper Giant Sweet Devil’s Horn - SGW’18
Pepper Hab Chocolate
Pepper Pale Rider F6, deck 9.18.18 - P, hot, blushing

Tomato ** Mini? DWF** Totem F1
Tomato **IND** Aunt Ruby’s German Green (Marsha’14)
Tomato **IND** Opalka (WW’13)
Tomato **IND** *** PINEAPPLE PIG (appaloosa)
Tomato **IND** *** PINEAPPLE PIG (applestar’13)

Since the eggplants did not respond favorably to just warm water pre-soak (except for the home saved Hari), I’m pre-soaking these pepper and old/late tomato seeds in cooled willow leaf/bark and oolong tea.
- I gave the eggplants a squirt of the tea each to hopefully encourage them a little.

- The 3 KCups are the mini cabbages that were started on 2/24 which should sprout without difficulty.
Cabbage, Mini Red Express 62d
Cabbage, Mini Gonzales Mini F1 55d
Cabbage, Mini Quick Start F1 55d

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Time to get serious — SpoonSeedZips and KCups to pre-germinate

- peppers on top
- spinach etc - ran out of time so just blended with moistened vermiculite for tonight and will wintersow them tomorrow
- rocoto seeds are bigger, so used KCups
- tomatoes are grouped in a separate bag since they don’t need to be incubated as warm

Ref :arrow: Subject: Starting pepper seeds >> spoon in zip bag germination

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More peppers started 2/27:

Pepper Big Jim Legacy
Pepper Bill’s Striped’17
Pepper Domalik Biber
Pepper Donkey Ears
Pepper Pasilla Bajio’17
Pepper Peperone di Senise’15
Pepper Quadrato d’asti Giallo’10
Pepper Saroksari Paprika ’14
Pepper Sweet Ingrid 2014
Pepper Yellow Cheese Pimento ’14
Pepper Yellow Giant Bell AgG

Got one shelf set up for the cool temperature wimps....

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My SIL gave me a 1.5” cube box:

I recognized “seedbomb” so knew what to expect to find inside, but it was still kind of fun to see a single dry ball of clay, about the size of a large marble of average/small gumball.

I have so far gathered that it is a seedbomb of wildflowers... probably European native. I’m going to set aside a small flowerbed for it and lay the seedbomb in the center — maybe casually toss it in for full effect. :()

...I hope to identify the flowers as they grow...

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I’m not sure if I’m doing this correctly but these are my “wintersown” seed containers —
- two onions
- big vinegar jug of spinach, arugula, and cilantro
- apple cider jug contains some seeds of rugosa rose collected from fall hips. They are from my MIL’s garden — white fragrant double flowers that I believe bloom all season. The stems are fiercely bristling with thorns. Not sure if they will grow, but I thought I would give them a try.

For the time being, they are going to stay here in front of the garage doors where I can keep an eye on them. Once I start regularly going out in the backyard, I’ll move them there.

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Inside, things are getting more interesting —
Hari eggplants and Opalka tomatoes, with Veronica Romanesco and deCicco/Limba broccoli greening the egg case — each of the other egg cells are also starting to sprout — Kyoto no.3, Carabrese, Early Snowball ....


...and underneath in the heated tub, more seeds are germinating.... :-()

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Screenshots of my Numbers app spreadsheet seed starting log. I try to keep up with starting and 1st seed sprouting dates as well as when they are Uppotted and into what. Location becomes crucial as the number of seedlings increase exponentially and they get moved around, but I sometimes don’t make a note when it seems *obvious* at the time, then later regret it.

Hon Naga eggplants started sprouting all at once today. I’m so happy since I think I couldn’t get them to sprout last year. Orient Express seems to be thinking about coming up, too.




— I’m going to start working on the boxed tomato varieties today —

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seed starting season obligatory close-up of sprouting babies :()


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Micro Dwarf tomatoes — if you haven’t tried growing them, I highly recommend. Currently available varieties are mostly super cute extra early determinate cherries. I think some saladette sized varieties might be turning up?

Beware of earlier varieties that are tart, crunchy, mushy, or flavorless. I’m trying out some new to me varieties, though varieties I grew last year were all pretty good to great.

These are my Aztek and Pinocchio Orange seedlings at about 3 weeks. They have been growing in 55-70°F conditions. For size reference Aztek are in Chobani yogurt containers.

...I’m going to try to grow Peas two different ways — these will be pre-germinated and started indoors in something small — I tried plastic egg cases before but found them to be too small and difficult to manage the connected cells if the seedlings get overgrown. I think individual separate cups would be better for starting this early — trying to remember if it was 3 oz or 5 oz that was recommended.

...I think I’m also going to try direct sowing later, although I think I had the best results when I pre *sprouted* the pre-germinated peas in the plastic egg cases, then planted them in the garden barely covered so they would actually sprout in 2-3 days, so I might try that way again.

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Today’s batch of Seed/SpoonZips —

- After reviewing past seed-starting notes, I decided to try skipping the spoons for these square seedzip bags ... just a little bit of DE sand.

- But the deeper/longer bags definitely need the spoons for easily removing the germinated and sprouted seeds, and cut-off spoonheads are sometimes difficult/dangerously sharp-edged to handle, so I‘m using space-wasting whole spoons with just these 5 CHERRY varieties.

- largest is a snackzip bag with a vitamin lid of DE sand. I’m going to be looking for 2 or 3 particular/special traits with this one — my Shimofuri F6 segregate — so I will start off with a lot of seeds.

...I realized if I copied and mirror image flipped the spoon labels, I would be able to read them, so heh. :()

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Aji Dulci Amarillo pepper — I’m told this is a wonderfully flavored aromatic seasoning pepper. Looking forward to tasting it and mixing it into fermented pepper sauces and dehydrated paprika’s.


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The Aji Dulci Amarillo pepper sounds lovely.

Where did you find the square Ziploc bags?

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@Allyn, I get the the little ziplock bags on Amazon — you can find them under bead crafts (or I think coin collecting) — I keep ones I’m looking for in the shopping cart and watch the price go up and down, then buy when it’s at mostly lowest. I tried getting them at a local W mart which is usually suggested, but I could never find any. I finally asked, and the woman stocking the shelves there said kids steal them (presumably) for nefarious purposes. I must admit I had mixed feelings hearing that.

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OK, I forgot to take pics of the germinated Emerald Archer and Sugar Magnolia peas, but I decided what to do with them and sowed (only the germinated seeds of) Emerald Archer in 1/2 gal rice milk cartons standing on their narrow side, and Sugar Magnolia 3@ in 5 oz paper cups yesterday.

Today, Super Sugar Snap and Iona Petit Pois are germinating and need to be sown.


The peas are easy and quick to pre-germinate at 55-65°F. Put the rinsed and thoroughly drained pea seeds in warmest part of the fridge if room temp is too warm since they also spoil easily. They should germinate within 3-5 days.

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Here are some sprouted Pineapple Pig seedlings being potted up. I’m starting these in community pots since I’m growing out two different batches of seeds from different sources — grown in my garden in 2013 and original source seeds which presumably were harvested in 2012 but wasn’t marked.

Pineapple Pig is an extra tall-growing Indeterminate and seedlings tend to grow vigorously. When using this technique, if you are very careful, it doesn’t hurt them to get as big as the one with very long taproot and side roots starting to grow while still in the seedzip bags. Vermiculite was used for germinating medium in this case.

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Ok, I have to ask, "where the hell are you gonna plant everything"?

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:oops: ...I don’t know? :oops: :> :mrgreen:

(Um. I started the rest of the dwarf, indeterminate and my own cross tomatoes ....) nutz:

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List of started tomatoes — kept total number of varieties under 75 :() . Nomination for this year’s main season line up is CLOSED. :P Variety selection is based on flavor — some are on my family’s annual returning fave list, many are repeats pending addition to the fave list, and new-to-me have been chosen for reputation of excellence :D

Type Variety
Tomato ** Dwf MICRO** Aztek
Tomato ** Dwf MICRO** Pinocchio Orange
Tomato ** DWF** Blazing Beauty
Tomato ** DWF** Blush
Tomato ** DWF** Chocolate Lightning
Tomato ** DWF** CTBS, PL Ind F3
Tomato ** DWF** CTBS, RL Dwf F3
Tomato ** DWF** Manö x Matt’s Wild Cherry F3
Tomato ** DWF** Mikado NOT White - Mottled Dark Pink PL
Tomato ** DWF** Monomakh’s Hat
Tomato ** DWF** Mr. Snow
Tomato ** DWF** Pink Passion
Tomato ** DWF** Sweet Splash Pink, A2, F5 PL
Tomato ** DWF** Sweet Splash Yellow, A2, F5 PL
Tomato ** DWF** Totem F1
Tomato ** DWF** Uluru Ochre
Tomato ** DWF** Yellow Dwarf x Sungold F3
Tomato ** DWF** Yukon Quest
Tomato **CHERRY** Anna's Multiflora
Tomato **CHERRY** Champagne Cherry
Tomato **CHERRY** Coyote
Tomato **CHERRY** CoyoteRosa Bébé (pink coyote-like volunteer)
Tomato **CHERRY** Earl’s Green Cherry/Bassett’s Bleen
Tomato **CHERRY** Green Doctor
Tomato **CHERRY** Lady Fingers MR.C F4
Tomato **CHERRY** Matt’s Wild Cherry
Tomato **CHERRY** Molten Sky MR.C F4-A3
Tomato **CHERRY** MR.ZM F3 4B-P3 (yellow pt.grape striped)
Tomato **CHERRY** Wild Rosa MR.C F4-A1
Tomato **DET** 42 Days
Tomato **DET** Bloody Butcher
Tomato **DET** Manö
Tomato **DET** MR.C F4-Xshort
Tomato **DET** Pennheart Dwf/Det
Tomato **DET** Shimofuri F6 #1-5
Tomato **IND** Pineapple Pig
Tomato **IND** 1884 Purple
Tomato **IND** Allons-y,Dr.X F4
Tomato **IND** Ananas Blau
Tomato **IND** Aunt Ruby’s German Green
Tomato **IND** Believe It or Not
Tomato **IND** Big Cheef
Tomato **IND** Brad’s Black Heart
Tomato **IND** Cherokee Lime
Tomato **IND** Cow’s Tit
Tomato **IND** Earl’s Faux
Tomato **IND** Faelan’s First Snow
Tomato **IND** Fish Lake Oxheart
Tomato **IND** Gold Medal
Tomato **IND** Grightmire’s Pride
Tomato **IND** Homer Fike’s Yellow Heart
Tomato **IND** Lucky Cross
Tomato **IND** Opalka
Tomato **IND** Prue
Tomato **IND** Royal Hillbilly
Tomato **IND** Sgt. Pepper’s
Tomato **IND** Snowball /White Beauty
Tomato **IND** Steelhead
Tomato **IND** Terhune
Tomato **IND** Wes
Tomato **IND** Wessel’s Purple Pride
Tomato **IND** White Wonder
Tomato **IND** Yellow Brandywine
Tomato **IND** Zena’s Gift

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