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Help me save my tree! Please?

Hello, I have a Fukien Tea Bonsai that I got in mid June and it did extremely well through the summer and fall. Now, I think I've killed it. I'm definitely good with the watering I think and giving it plant food but I think it got too cold. It lost a lot of it's leaves but the branches are still pliable. It has what looks like ice on the trunk but it's not cold but it is hard. I think I froze it. Is there any way to save it? I'm thinking that there is because not all of the leaves have fallen off some of them are on there still pretty strong and the branches still have life in them. What do I do?

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Picture would help along with know where you are located. How did your tree get frozen? Was it outside?

Fukien tea is a tropical that does not like temps below 60 degrees F, although it can survive brief periods of 40 degrees. If it is really frozen, it is probably dead.

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I live in Connecticut, the tree hasn't been outside but was in front of a picture window in the sun. It was draftier than I thought it would be there. I've moved it awry from the window and turned the heat up in the house but the "ice" is still there.

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The ice may be mealy bugs? It was not in good focus. Try to get a hand lens to take a better look. Some soft scale or mealy bugs can look like that. The tree does not look like it is frozen but it definitely is not healthy. I don't like to spray stressed trees. It is tedious but you can use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol and rub the "ice off" If it does not "melt" but is sticky and squishy it is probably one of the aforementioned pests. What is on top of the pot. I would remove it for now. Water the plant when the media feels dry. Take the pot to the sink or tub and water it thoroughly and let it drain. If you have a lot of chlorine in your water, put the water in a bucket the day before and dunk the plant until it stops bubbling. Make sure it drains well before you put it on a saucer. feed it with miracle grow 1/2 strength every time you water. Just add it to the water in the bucket (1/2 tablespoon). Fukien tea does need humidity so pebbles in the tray will help add humidity and keep any water in the tray from drowning the roots. It does like good light. Use a lamp overhead to add more light and a little bit of warmth. As soon as the weather permits, harden the tree off slowly to go outside for the warmer days.

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