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Apple Trees with white bumps and fuzz - Eggs? Mildew? HELP!

Can anyone help me identify what's going on with these apple tree's? PLEASE HELP!

In this picture, all over the park are these hard white bumps. Not sure if that is normal or if they are eggs of some type. I've been spraying Neem Oil all winter and an anti-fungus as well as the past month or so.
White Bumps
White Bumps
Here is another picture zoomed out:
Larger Pic
Larger Pic
I also have another apple tree that has a white fuzz all over it. Is this powdery mildew?? Again, been spraying Neem Oil and Anti-fugus. I also sprayed a potassium bicarbonate / neem oil solution, and this hasn't gone away:
White Fuzz
White Fuzz
It's also on my grapes!!!

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I wish I could help. But I don't have answers for you. But it seems as if this forum is kind of dead.

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Where are you located? It's impossible to guess possible pests and diseases without knowing.

This was a reply to query about peppers, but I wonder if your apple could be infested by mealy bugs or wooly aphids... or wooly scales... which I never heard of until it was mentioned here.

Subject: My pepper plants are sick!
rainbowgardener wrote:Could be any of several insect pests that look about like that. I'm guessing mealybugs (aka wooly aphids)

https://laurarittenhouse.files.wordpres ... g_5738.jpg

other possibilities include wooly scale insects, cottony cushion scale insect. But they are all plant-juice sucking insects and treatments are similar.

Treatment options include Safer's insecticidal soap, diatomaceous earth, dabbing them with cotton swap dipped in rubbing alcohol. Ladybugs, both adults and larvae are predators of them as are lacewings.

It helps not to over-water or over fertilize. Juice suckers are attracted to plants with lots of tender, juicy new growth.

Your plants look so bad, because they are heavily infested and the life is being sucked out of them.

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Look up the Grape Mealybug. It's been known to spread to apples.

The name is a bit of a wrong one as it can be a pest on a whole range of plants.
All mealy bugs can be rather difficult to control.
It's only at the 'crawler' stage in their life cycle that they are easy to get at. Once they settle as a scale they produce a wax coating that makes them difficult to get at with chemical control. Sprays early in the season up to blossom will do the job usually and predator control is a great help. That's why it pays to check the toxicity of any chemicals used as they can be responsible for removing the natural control that is all around the garden and agrivating the problem.

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