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What's your most anticipated - intriguing tomato so far?

I think a lot of us have started tomato seeds or are already growing seedling or plants.

...what is your most intriguing or anticipated tomato variety so far?

I have many anticipated varieties -- that why you choose them, right? -- but this one is the most intriguing so far:
"Brazillian Beauty - NOT" -- high antho hypocotyl/tap root
"Brazillian Beauty - NOT" -- high antho hypocotyl/tap root
I don't know what this variety is. Last year, I grew seeds received in trade marked "Brazillian Beauty", but both plants turned out to be NOT Brazillian Beauty but something else. From the beginning they were had high levels of anthocyanin in their stems and leaves -- darkest of all the seedlings, and the golfball size max. round fruits were nearly black all over, with the area's not receiving direct sunlight turning red. Interior was red too. I thought it was going to taste terrible - a la Indigo Rose reputation -- or insipid like the pink mushy fleshed Indigo Apple in 2013 -- but it had a surprisingly pleasant flavor. So I'm growing the seeds from them to see if same kind of plants and fruits will grow (last year's was more or less stable variety -- seed mix up) or different characteristics will show up (last year's was some kind of an accidental cross).

Last year's fruits (4 photos on the left):

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Actually two: Delicious because of its potential size and Red Barn because of the good things I have heard about it.

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Nothing so exotic ...

It was only unexpected its first year in the garden when there was a nice strong plant, from a packet of seed marked Kellogg's Breakfast. The plant ripened a nice red fruit early. Its sister, from that same packet of seeds, had fruit several weeks later and were the proper KB yellow.

The next season, half the plants from the seed of the red fruit, produced yellow fruits. I saved seed from the plants with red fruit.

Standard Kellogg's Breakfast is a delicious tomato. I'm not really trying to have a change to red KB's. I want earliness - with that good flavor. It cannot be so late as the standard Kellogg's Breakfast because most years, no fruit will ripen until just a day or two before the first frost.

This will be Season 4. Last year was a near disastrous one in the tomato patch because of windstorms. The red KB's came through with all red fruit but didn't seem especially early ... I was just glad they didn't die and produced anything harvestable! This year, they should have a better chance :).


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I'm trying two heirloom varieties this year the Black Krim and Purple Calabash.

Most intriguing to me is the Black Krim as its said to do well here in my colder climate, time will tell.

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I've never grown anything before so all of them are exciting to me! I'm most curious about the bali tomato I got from Baker Creek. I found some extra space to plant and wanted to try something that looked fun. There isn't a huge amount of information about this variety online so I'll just have to wait and see! Other ones I'm growing are sioux, tommy toe and yoder's German yellow.

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I switched up my tomato seed stock this year, so for the first time in several years I have an entirely new lineup. The one's I am most looking forward to are Captain Lucky, Coyote, Ananas Noir, and Earl's Faux. Eventually I'll hone in on a favorite of each color and type. Some of the heirlooms are a little finicky, so I also have a few passable, but reliable and productive hybrids to go along with them just in case....

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Howdy neighbor Cdog. :D You will love Coyote as well as captian lucky.

My most anticipated is a cross called Moonlight Mile. A variegated plant with striped fruit.


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Howdy! I remember seeing Wentzville as your location a while back and was quite surprised to see someone so close!

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Blue-er than BLUE!

NOT Brazillian Beauty
NOT Surpriz, same NOT Brazillian Beauty as above
Pink Siberian Tiger, Fahrenheit Blues

Clackamas Blueberry with Bosque Blue in back, and another darker-looking Clackamas Blueberry

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Here they are planted in the Spiral Garden -- highlight collages of the high antho varieties:

Purple Dragon (2)
Brazillian Beauty NOT ....... Bosque Blue

Clackamas Blueberry (2)
Pink Siberian Tiger (2) ... Fahrenheit Blues ... Carbon Copy ... NPSP-F1

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