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Sick Hosta, Please Help (Photo)

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:10 pm
by confuciuskitty
My Hosta recently started to exhibit symptoms of withering leaves, red-tinged spots and what looks like sunburn although it is well watered. I hope I posted this picture correctly. Could someone please tell me what could be wrong and how can I fix this poor little thing? Any help would be appreciated. Btw, I'm new here and my name is Kitty....I love roses and sunflowers and all other plants and flowers. I'm 47 and this is a pretty new hobby for me so please be patient if I ask alot of questions! Thanks.


Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:20 pm
by bullthistle
Looks as if they are getting burned either too much sun or wind or a combination of both. They will recoup if you protect them more.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:13 am
by rainbowgardener
Welcome to the forum! A lot of my hostas are looking a lot like that. Just too much heat and drought and I haven't spared a lot of water for them. I'm not worrying about it too much. It's nearing the end of the season for them any way. They will come back just fine in the spring.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:21 am
by confuciuskitty
Thank you so much for the replies. I was relieved to find out the hosta will be ok.... :D
