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"cauliflower" growths on Apple tree

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:07 am
by SJRobison
I have a semi-dwarf Gala apple tree and have noticed "cauliflower"-shaped growths all over it. I would like to know what this is caused by and what the solution is. It is treatable or is the tree beyond saving? The tree was planted 3 to 4 years ago.

Re: "cauliflower" growths on Apple tree

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:48 am
Hi SJ.
There are a couple of things that are like these growths on apples.
The Burr knots. These are relatively harmless to the tree and are like a form of growth stimulation in the tree. In fact, if you cut a limb off below one of these burrs it will actually root up and give you another tree. Some varieties of apples are more susceptible than others to the condition. The one thing to look out for is that they can be the site for some borer pest and diseases to get access to the tree.
High humidity, low light and temps between 20-35c all can help induce the condition as can damage by Wooly Aphid or borers.
The other condition . is Apple Tree Crown Gall. This is caused by a bacterium that enters the trees root system via damage when the tree is young. This is a contagious condition that can attack many other plants from roses to willow so
I would suggest that you keep an eye on other plants around your garden as this is a problem that can spread to several other garden plants and shrubs.

All that said, I'm still sure that it's just a case of Gall Knots on a tree that's in strong growth.
Just keep an eye on other plants as a precaution.