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Yield Affected if Some Bunches Removed from Grape Vine?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 10:02 am
by jlaporte
Our vines have about 100 bunches forming on vine. Can we take some of these off and still have a good crop. Joyce

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 11:02 am
by JONA878
Are they a desset grape or wine grape jlaporte?

To get a good size on dessert grapes it can require quite a bit of thinning of bunches and of grapes within the bunch too.

We grow a Californian Red Ruby Seedless and have found that we have to give it around a couple of feet between bunches and remove nearly half the grapes in the bunch to get good size and allow air movement within the cluster too.
It is however a very prolific variety and the bunches are huge if left un-touched.