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Grey looking Lavender....And dried up Photinia.....SNOW!!!

I planted some young lavender shrubs and Photinia during september and they began to grow quite well....until they met with an unusually cold and snowy spell with temperatures falling to -7 for a week in february. Now my poor plants have lost their green leaves, the lavender looks all grey and dead and Photinia all brown?. I have cut back a third of the stems to get rid of any dead growth and I noticed that the stems inside are still green where I cut so do you think there is a chance they havent died? Or should I completely cut the bushes back to the ground getting rid of all the dead foliage or will that completely kill them off?
P.s I havent watered any of the lavender bushes them since....

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I'm not familiar with photinia, but I grow a lot of lavender, in (I presume) colder climate than yours. The lavender goes grey and dormant in the winter, but comes back just fine when the weather warms up.

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If you see green where you pruned the photinia you should have no problem but you might want to give it some fertilizer.

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