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Help to identify these plants

wondering If anyone can help me with the what these two plants are? The second one we planted earlier this spring here in NC. It has been full of those little red flowers for the last few months and we wanted to buy another. The first we have no idea how it got there. We did buy the second one online along with some others and a few we planted and marked with popsicle sticks. But having two small children all the sticks did not survive. Thanks in advance for any help.
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I can't tell what the 2nd one is but the first one is Butterfly Weed/Flower (Asclepias tuberosa)

Those long green things are seed pods, and when mature, will split and fluffy puffs with brown seeds will float out in currents of air. Little kids LOVE to send them off.

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applestar wrote:I can't tell what the 2nd one is but the first one is Butterfly Weed/Flower (Asclepias tuberosa)

Those long green things are seed pods, and when mature, will split and fluffy puffs with brown seeds will float out in currents of air. Little kids LOVE to send them off.
thanks for your help!! I will try and get a better pic of the 2nd one and post it.

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The second one looks like some type of coreopsis/tickseed.

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LIcenter wrote:The second one looks like some type of coreopsis/tickseed.

That is it. I just figured out that we bought two "cherry lemonade coreopsis" from direct gardening last year. We wanted to grab a few more. Thanks!!

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LIcenter wrote:The second one looks like some type of coreopsis/tickseed.
It cross on my mind as well... but it looks like slugs eat it all... hehe

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