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Lucky Bamboo

My neighbor got me 3 bamboo plants which were together, I took them and separated them put them in the same pot. Did I make a boo boo taking them apart?

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Lucky bamboo is really a dracena. It won't harm them to take them apart. It all depends on how you want them to look.

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In case you don't know, Lucky Bamboo (Dracena) does not tolerate chlorinated tap water, which will slowly kill the plant. You should use spring water or distilled water. Rain water would probably work, as long as it is clean rain water free of industrial chemicals. Some people are able to get by using tap water by letting it sit for some time to allow the chlorine to evaporate.

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Thanks guys and gals, I put them back together with a small hair tie to keep them together. But I think I like them the other way I did before.

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I have them on my desk which gets light from the fluorescent lamps, but I am thinking of moving it to the table in front of the picture window. My neighbor who just came home had me plant sit for him and he has a vine and a lucky bamboo and they thrived! It is also where my large poinsettia is which is growing new green leaves. It will get indirect light because of the curtain covering the picture window.

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My friend had to move her Lucky Bamboo back from the window because the window was too cold. So you need to watch the temperature of the window location. Too cold or too hot - both are not good.

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It really doesn't need a lot of light. I had one that I kept on a shelf in my bathroom, with no direct light, only the ambient light from a frosted window. It did quite well there for a long time.

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The table is not real close to the window, it is about 2 1/2 feet from it.

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BirdLover wrote:In case you don't know, Lucky Bamboo (Dracena) does not tolerate chlorinated tap water, which will slowly kill the plant. You should use spring water or distilled water. Rain water would probably work, as long as it is clean rain water free of industrial chemicals. Some people are able to get by using tap water by letting it sit for some time to allow the chlorine to evaporate.

Yes, yes, yes! That's is correct! My first lucky bamboo died from this, so now I water ANY plants with dechlorinated water.
Instead of buying storebought dechlornated bottled water, as it can get quite pricey, I simply leave water uncovered for 25 hours. During that time, all the chlorine will evaporate.

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Our water is well water, it has so much iron in it you can't drink it so we use bottled water to drink. I figure it is all right for plants though.

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I moved my lucky bamboo back to my computer desk under the grow light, I want to be able to see it and make sure it is ok, I watered it a little today and it is still looking good.

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Updated photo of my Lucky Bamboo, it is still growing albeit slowly, I mist it every or every other day with bottled water, it is doing quite well. I was just wondering, how tall do they get when they are inside and can you keep them over winter too?

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