Green Thumb
Posts: 421
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Location: Lakeview, Ohio zone6

Dracaena Warneckii

Went to Wal-Marts today and saw PLANTS! My hubby was not too happy with me, I got a Dracaena Warneckii, it is small and hopefully it survives. I looked on the internet(you know how I am with a new plant) and I have it in a good spot. It is small and pretty, which is one reason I got it. I was going to get another cactus, but it was a choice between a Dracaena or a Fern. And you can see which one won. It is so cute. I will post a picture of it and you can see for yourselves.

Green Thumb
Posts: 421
Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:51 pm
Location: Lakeview, Ohio zone6

I just watered my new plant, I read on line that the best way to make sure your plant is watered all the way is to water until the water runs out the drainage holes. Which is what I did. I stuck my finger in and it was dry all the way through.

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Dried out root masses won't absorb water if it's just poured on. As you've seen it just runs back out. I set them in a tray of water for several hours, adding water as necessary. It can take 10 to 12 hours for the soil to absorb enough water.

Green Thumb
Posts: 421
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Location: Lakeview, Ohio zone6

Could that be why the leaves are turning black?

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I use a different method to rehydrate. I put the whole pot in a bucket of water and soak until the bubbles stop. If the root ball is that large, it might be time for a repot. leaves turning black is not a good sign.

Green Thumb
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Location: Lakeview, Ohio zone6

The pot is not very big, so I put it in a bowl of water, it soaked it up pretty quick so I put some more in this morning. The leaves are perking up so that might be what the problem was.

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Sounds like it is time to repot. The roots must be filling most of the container so it dries out faster.

Green Thumb
Posts: 421
Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:51 pm
Location: Lakeview, Ohio zone6

OK, I will do that this weekend. It is going to be too cold to do anything outside. I thought spring was here.

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