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Cardiocrinum 'giganteum' seed pods

I have a group of Cardiocrinum 'giganteums' growing and some a few flowered this year and produced seed pods.
Main plants dies back, but how long does it take for the seed pods to turn brown. Is mid to late Nov. usual time.
I had read that they turned late in season and I do not want to take until they are ripe. Not sure if the colder weather will be a problem.
I know that the UBC Botanical Gardens at the University in Vancouver, B.C. has them. Not sure how many are from Canada let alone B.C.
Thanks for any info.

Greener Thumb
Posts: 1152
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 10:26 am
Location: North Carolina

You are probably warmer then the botanical gardens so why not just wait a while longer.

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