Greener Thumb
Posts: 970
Joined: Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:21 am
Location: Zone 7A - Philadelphia, PA

Need help with Rockwool Seedlings to Hydro

I have a bunch of seedlings sprouting now, Tomatoes, Hot Peppers and Eggplants it will be at least 8 weeks before I can transfer to my outdoor DWC setup, I am in zone 7a.
How do I hold the plants once they start growing?
Can I just drop the seedling that is in the rockwool into a 2" net cup and add hydroton or grow-stones and place in a tray with some water until they can be taken outside?
Or should I make a Kratky type box with a Rubbermaid container for holding. (suggested on another forum)
Should I wait for the roots to start coming out of the rockwool?
And lastly if I hold in a Kratky type setup should I use a diluted fert by maybe 75%
Thank you

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The peppers and eggplant won't grow as fast so they can be put in a tray until then. The tomatoes will probably be too old, I would start a back up set in another two weeks just in case.

The farm uses oasis plugs to start seeds and the seedlings are put in a long tray that has hydro solution running through it 24/7. The plugs go directly from the tray to the rails or into net baskets for the aeroponic or raft systems.

Greener Thumb
Posts: 970
Joined: Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:21 am
Location: Zone 7A - Philadelphia, PA

I will start more tomatoes in 2 weeks. I may just put all these tomatoes in potting soil in a few weeks and keep under the grow lights.