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Bonsai Mould/Fungus?


I am new to this site, so please do excuse me if I have done this wrong! I just have a few questions regarding my bonsai. I'm not exactly sure what type of bonsai it is ... but I'm sure that its an indoor one! I believe its 2yrs old, however I have only had it for just over half a year now and have been watering it 1-2 times a week since. I water it by submerging the dish into water for 10 minutes, and I place it by the window sill where it gets some sun (when we're lucky over here in London) :wink:

Recently, patches of white mould or fungus has been growing on the moss and bottom part of the bonsai tree though :( and I'm not too sure whats causing it, how to get rid of it or prevent it from happening again! I have attached a few photos if you would like to see!

Any advice or suggestions would be very much appreciated!
Thanks and look forward to hearing from you guys! :)
Bonsai 4.jpg
Bonsai 4.jpg (61.37 KiB) Viewed 1314 times
Bonsai 3.jpg
Bonsai 3.jpg (42.95 KiB) Viewed 1314 times
Bonsai 1.jpg
Bonsai 1.jpg (43.41 KiB) Viewed 1314 times

Super Green Thumb
Posts: 2661
Joined: Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:52 am
Location: SE-OH USA Zone 6-A

I think you want to use a chop stick to test soil for moisture and let things dry out more between watering.

My short is: I think you may be watering too much.

The bonsai learning forum here talks about how to use a chop stick to test.

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Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:17 am

Thank you, Greener Thumb!

I'll give that a try :)

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