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Mixing pest sprays

Do you mix your pest spray ingredients together? I'm spraying Bt and Safer's soap in a single solution. Don't know how well that works, but if I could add something to deter munchers like deer, cats & rabbits !!

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Oh… I don’t honk think that’s a god good combo.

Bt is a living organism and combining with soap solution could kill them.

I do mix them up but separate by chemicals vs. live that likely won’t harm or compete with each other.

Which Bt strain are you spraying? I’m particularly careful of Bt against caterpillars because desirable butterflies and moth caterpillars will be affected if sprayed on their food source plants.

Safer soap could be used with hot pepper and/or garlic, sulfur (for the rotten egg smell) etc., for example…. I can think of other stuff, too, if talking about wildlife deterrent.

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@Applestar; Thanks for not honking.
"Oh… I don’t honk that’s a god combo."
- and god combo is an interesting concept; many ramifications are possible

:() Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Good point about not mixing insecticide with living organisms. I hadn't considered that. I'm quite ignorant about different 'varieties' of Bt. The only ones I've seen around here are labelled either just 'Bt' or 'Bt-k'. My target is the white cabbage butterfly.

Haha I mistyped that as "babbage butterfly" but I've fixed it so you can't get back at me!

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LOLOL! :oops:

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There are some things that can be mixed together. Some fungicides can be mixed with pesticides. It says on the label what can be mixed. It will usually be products from the same company since they would only test their products. Pyrethrins and sulfur can be mixed and they are often sold already combined.
I usually don't mix different types of products. Instead I mix them in separate containers and spray them on separate days. If I were to mix sprays, then they would have to have another container and I have enough separate containers already. I have one sprayer for water, one for fungicides, one for alcohol, one for hydrogen peroxide, one for Bt, one for Round Up, one for triclopyr, one for insecticides for ornamentals, and a bucket for imidicloprid which doubles as a seat. Usually I get granular imidicloprid, but sometimes only the liquid is available. I don't use a lot of oil sprays. It has limited value in a climate when the average temperature is over 85 degrees and it clogs sprayers.

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