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What is eating my Spinach?

I was so proud of myself for making bug repellent... alas it has not gone as planned and my poor spinach is taking the brunt of the back lash from my local insect population... So what is eating my stuff? The holes are in the leaf not from the out side in it's like something nibbled away from the middle out.... :cry:

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If you're seeing holes along the ribs first, then it's most likely slugs or snails. If you're saying they seem to have come OUT of the leaves, you may have Leaf Miners or "Doodle Bugs" -- do you see light colored scribbles on the leaves?

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No it's holes along the rib's. What can I do to kill off all these slugs? (I knew it was those pesky slugs!!! they wreck my garden every year they are EVERY WHERE)

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Search the Forum is your friend! Type slug control into it and it comes up with three pages of listings of discussions of slugs (some of them are very entertaining tales of peoples adventures going out at night with a flashlight and collecting the slugs and disposing of them in various gross ways! :) )

Here's one that has links to a bunch of the threads:

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Thanks Rainbowgardener! I'll go check it out!

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Now who in their right mind would go out at night with a flashlight to hunt down slugs? :wink: :P

You can put down sand, eggshells, DM (diatamacious earth (sp)). But picking them off whenever you see them (be that at night or not) is the best way. If you see one above ground there are several more, per, under ground.

I got them bad some of the are BIG ONES.

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