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Super Green Thumb
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what to do with them?

Half the jerusalem artichokes in one of my front flower beds got some kind of fungus (it continues to RAIN so much), leaves all turned black and drooped. So I pulled them, to try to keep it from spreading (not that anything will kill the stuff, the tubers stay in the soil and come back just fine next year). Anyway, I know I shouldn't put the pulled ones in the compost pile, because of spreading disease, especially since my compost doesn't always run super hot. But I hate to just trash them. Is there anything else I can do? Would doing the drowned weeds thing still spread disease? What about the activated compost tea (which I've never tried, but I've been reading the on-going thread with interest)?


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Do you have a fire pit? Why not burn them, THEN put them in the compost? That's what I did with suspect apple prunings. I just stuffed the lot under the domed fire screen and lit them on fire, waited for them to dwindle then kept feeding the fire until everything was burned to ash.

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Super Green Thumb
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I do have a small fire pit. Some year I want to get a bigger one. These things are a bit woody at the bottom, but not really like apple tree branches, a lot of the plant is pretty green. Maybe if I let them dry out (if we quit getting rain long enough for that to happen) they will burn... Not a bad idea.

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