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I just wanted to start a thread to see if theres any other Michiganders on the board. I was wondering, on average, when the first frist of the season usually is. Does the first frost mean that pepper plants and everything will stop producing?

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Green Thumb
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South Central Michigan here...

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Super Green Thumb
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First frost will kill all tender annuals. Now would be a good time to be planning the fall garden though. Here in S.C. lots of greens can be grown fall and into the winter, and have a really vigorous burst in early spring. It would be worth the trouble to see what if anything can grow outside or in a cold frame during fall and winter.

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Troll, here. Are you new to MI? Welcome. First frost can be anywhere from late Sept., to early Nov., but usually mid-Oct. A light frost won't hurt the maters and peppers if you cover them at night and remove the cover in the a.m., but a hard frost will outright kill them. As the nights and soil cool, they will slow down production. Same for melons. Peas, radishes, lettuces, and small carrots, cabbages and kale, spinach and chard, all like the cooler temps and can be sown now for a fall crop. Root crops can be covered with mulch and dug until the ground freezes, except for onions, which should be dug when the tops die back.

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