Cool Member
Posts: 82
Joined: Sun Apr 02, 2023 3:07 pm
Location: Washington State

Newbie here

Hi everyone I have been growing peppers for this my 3rd year and I grow a few other things like Basil, Parsley and This year I am planting beets in my pepper pots to see how that goes. Also Last year I had 10 Tomato plants and this year I hope to have 25. Last year I had just over 200 pepper plants and the goal is to have over 300 this year....I also grow some flowers and am learning from my mom and from my mistakes lol. I live with my mom in a rather big house on 2 acres out in the sticks in Washington state. I work as a road flagger and thus my email stopthatcar4@gmail.com I am also a photographer, better then most which these days is not hard. I shoot model portfolios, Fine Art and general landscapes and images...I have had a number of significant mentors in photography including but not limited to Chuck Guildner.

My mom is a pro gardener basically but she never grew peppers. Her garden is about 20 by 40 but it has not been maintained which I feel to blame for. But I will get it back.

The flowers I grow, I love Dahlias and Pansey's, I have a Rose bush that I honestly know nothing about and I have a number of other flowers that I am not sure of the spelling. I just transplant them and care for them as best I can.

The peppers I grow and give them away. Some times to friends and at times to random people that I meet. I am told they taste a lot better then store bought. I have from a Bell to the Reaper, a full spectrum.

Right now I am growing my first peppers from seed and I am so excited. The biggest challenge will to be how to keep my 2 kittens out of them. I recently got 2 kittens from Noah Animal rescue and they are about 6 months old.

While I am here I hope to learn a few things that I can share with my mom and a few friends and I might make a new friend or two. I just started a photo journalist project on the homeless drug addicts epidemic and coming home from working on that puts you in a very dark place. It's a sad reality of our current world.

I did not see a spot in the forum for just peppers or for introductions thus my post here, my introduction post......So....Hello to everyone.....Tomorrow is Monday, work and then plants.

Posts: 14032
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Welcome to the forum! You really are not a beginner gardener and I am sure we can learn a lot from your experiences as well.

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