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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2021 will prove to be a little bit better than 2020.

To celebrate the first day of 2021 I un-decorated my Christmas decor and I plan to do some early spring cleaning. Tomorrow I plan to hunt up my greenhouse and get it set up. I'll probably start the peppers tomorrow as well in an egg carton indoors. In the greenhouse I will start working on planting my dwarf tomatoes and coleus seed.
As for the first day of 2021's weather, it's pretty unpleasant. A freezing 52, cloudy and breezy.

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Happy new years! :)

We're expecting rain and snow tomorrow! Keeping the Christmas decorations up until my MIL can visit in about a week. I had a cold during Christmas so she couldn't visit because she's immune compromised.

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Happy New Year. I think we all were waiting to put 2020 behind us. Here's to hope for a brighter future. I already did the cleaning, and cooking on Wednesday and Thursday. The wind is kicking up and it is raining a bit, so I am not going to do any big projects today. I have already taken down my Christmas decorations, I have the kado matsu by the door.

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Happy New Year.

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