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Compost eating dog...


Does any one else's dog eat stuff out the compost? She is driving me mad messing all over the back yard then yesterday I caught her sneaking into the house with a gem squash shell covered in gunk!

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My dogs try to get in whenever I open the chain link gate that keeps them out of the enclosure. They are fascinated by the big steaming pile of snack treats! My oldest and youngest also try to steal clods of finished compost, potting soil, etc. Socks can only entertain them for so long!

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Awww.... Look at that guilty face! :lol:

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Your compost pile needs to be fenced in or in some kind of bin, to keep critters out, including the dog. Raccoons and other critters will also love to pull things out of the pile.

Hopefully you didn't put anything real toxic in there, but there could be rotting things in your compost that would make your dog throw up.

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My dog Maggy and I had an ongoing contest that lasted at least ten years. I would secure the compost pile and she would figure out how to get in, and then would snicker at me afterward. I'm very ingenious with most things, but she was more so, always out foxing me. One year, I finally had the ultimate solution, with wire frame over the top and strong decking sides. The damn dog decided to not be outdone and tried to chew in through the concrete pad. I was very sad to see that she had ground most of her teeth almost to the gum. Moral of the story. Once they have started salvaging, they won't stop easily. And secondly, don't even let the dog get close enough to think that it can gain entry.

Maggy was my most wonderful yellow lab ever. Sure miss her. She died at about 14 or 15, quite old for a large breed dog. She almost died about four years earlier, and caused a massive vet bill for treatment which included several days on I.v. She had gotten some bread with green or black mold and ate her fill. What a dog, an engineer dog, always out smarting her family.
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Lol Whisky is a very guilty dog, partly because she has good reason to be and partly because she is scared. Of course as soon as I caught her she dropped it and was very sorry.

My compost is in a bin but she just climbs in. This is the dog that climbed onto the bird feeder on a thin pole to eat the bird food! Her nickname is Porklet. Lucky she has innards of stainless steel; she woke us up a few times puking up stones and somehow managed to never need surgery and although she eats unspeakables she doesn't get sick.

Funny enough her teeth are also worn down but because of biting sod when she digs. Silly dogs! But the best have these personalities that are not boring ;)

Come to think of it, my other dog also eats things out the garden;


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Marmaduke (not her real name) loved my compost. She was a large Dane. Who would attempt to eat her own volume of compost. Which would then come back up in a most unattractive way.

I ended up pre-composting kitchen scraps in their own sealed drum, and then adding it (as tankage) to yard waste in a bin. Only then would Marmaduke not gorge on compost.

Marmaduke up on her back legs was taller than me...

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We had our yard fenced this winter and our compost pile is just outside of the fence on what turned out to be our neighbors property... well I have yet to move it into the confines of our fence because I've been worried about exactly this! Maybe I'll have to find a new location still outside of the fenced portion of the yard. Thanks for the post, you've convinced me ;)

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Our dog has eaten every disgusting thing he can find, many too gross to mention. If he catches a rabbit he buries it in the manure pile to ripen. He seems like a Gentleman other than that.

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@tomc Hahahaha. I love that story.

I had this window open and had not submitted my reply so I will just add here that you should watch what your dog eats because I just rushed my dog to the vet at midnight with what turned out to be most likely gastro, probably due to bacteria on dead things. This is not the one who eats the compost by the way but the other one. The poor thing is in hospital on a drip and all woozy from the meds.

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