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Cocoon like cluster

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:35 pm
by GardenGnome77
Need help identifying cluster which appears to be cocoons.

Re: Cocoon like cluster

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:46 pm
by applestar
It’s a bit hard to tell from the fuzzy photo, but unless I’m way off in relative size, these are tent caterpillar nests. Tightly webbed hammocks in which the baby caterpillars hide, and venture out at night to feed on and defoliate the trees.

Spraying the tents won’t do any good because they are protected inside. When on single branch within reach, I find it best to cut the entire thing down in the daytime being careful not to rip the nest and let them out. I just take them out to the street and thoroughly stomp on them. If the nest is strung on multiple branches, I toss a large trash bag over all the branches, cinch the bag closed, then cut all the branches. I stomp on the bag from the outside or tightly close and leave out in the sun.

When the nest is too high to reach, I have used “power wash” setting with the garden hose to rip it apart, spilling the caterpillars on the ground and scattering them. Without the protection of the nest, they are easy mark for predators. And yes, I stomp on the ones that fall to the ground....

Re: Cocoon like cluster

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 12:44 am
by rainbowgardener
If it is tent caterpillars, usually you can see the little caterpillars inside:


If it is them and you aren't too tender hearted, people usually make a little fire, cut the nests down and throw them in the fire.