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Can anyone please identify the problem from my photos?

Hi, my lawn is driving me nuts. I just have these brown patches all over the lawn. No pets go on it, it gets little wear from people walking on it, but it looks awful. I have been using a professional lawn company who do their x4 a year treatments but it is just getting worse.

I was told by the company it was red thread, but on looking at the affected grass, I never, ever see any red on the grass blades. The affected ones are just the colour of straw. So they said nothing could be done effectively but to just apply a high nitrogen fertiliser. The high nitrogen fertiliser just makes it look worse.

So, any ideas what it could be? Here are three photo links. Thanks for looking. I am in UK btw.




Posts: 14061
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

The condition is as your landscaper told you. It looks like red thread disease. It is related to weather and too much water. Improving drainage might help but other than that, a lawn fungicide and proper feeding of the lawn with a high nitrogen fertilizer and maintaining proper soil pH with lime will help. Some grasses are more resistant. You should find out what cultivars of grass are suitable for your climate and soil type. ... n-disease/

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