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First Timer - How am I doing?


I was given a little herb growing kit as a gift.
I live in a flat so its nice to bring some greenery indoors and bonus I get to eat it!
6 weeks ago, planted from seed: Basil, Parsley, Chives, Oregano.
So far so good, I did do a minor over-watering about a week ago but we seem to have recovered.

I live in London (UK), we have had a good summer so its been warm and bright and I've left these by an open window in my kitchen most of the time.

My parsley looks like its struggling under its own weight and my chives feel like they've got a long way to go?

Hopefully I've managed to attach a picture for you to look at!

Any tips to perk up my herbs?



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Welcome to the forum. You have a nice start. There are too many seedlings in the basil, oregano and parsley pots. If you have a few friends, you can divide them and share. Chives from seed are a bit straggly. I would move them on the other side of the oregano so the window frame will not block their light. Herbs don't need a lot of fertilizer but they do need some. You can give them a water soluble fertilizer every week, or some slow release fertilizer.

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I like to water my herbs with diluted leftover tea and coffee — or before washing, swish the teacup with a little water and pour ...if you use milk, sugar, lemon — all OK except lemon will be a bit acidic so not for plants that prefer alkaline.

Easiest way to divide these would be to lay on side and slip entire thing out of the pot with the soil cube, then use a knife (or two forks) to section the soil into pieces like cake and gently tease the tangled plants apart then pot up the pieces of soil cake. You can bury the basil and oregano a little bit deeper, but don’t bury the parsley too deep.

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