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Most of my collection !

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:58 pm
by JustinBoi
I thought it would be appropriate to post half of my collection of Bonsai because it's been about a year since I did a collection thread.
These are my newer parts of my collection, I didn't have a lot of time to clean up the rest of my collection because the tree above them is dropping so many leaves onto them so, rather show you what is looking okay today.

Ficus Retusa over rock. (Most of you have probably seen this, and picture quality was too bright outside)

My Powderpuff Bonsai. (already seen the puff like thing bloom ;D )

(wiring on this was EXTREMELY sloppy)
Horseflesh Mahoganie (something like that) :)

Brazilian Rain Tree ;D

AND the last one that I am the MOST concerned/worried about... (Helen Johnson Bougainvillea)

I may put the Bougainvillea on the Bonsai Forum rather on here, but ANYONEEE who can help with this one, would make my dayyy (:
So.. HELP ;[

Thanks for looking :)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:49 pm
by TomM
Not sure what's going on with the HJ bougie. One thing I know is that they never look good "all the time" - especially right after the blooming ends, like they get all tired out from producing all those flowers and then need a rest.

But, with that said, I'm still puzzled. The wilting at this stage does not seem right. It could be in shock still. It may have been under shade screening at the nursery and now is in your full sun by the pool. If that's the case the bright sun is a little too much - or it will take some time to adjust. Watering has to be considered too. It may need more than you think.

Here in UpstateNY (I'm at a high elevation) it was in the upper 30's today but I had my bougainvilleas out on the patio anyway - to 'harden them off'. It snowed, it hailed, it rained and my tropicals were OK with it. I do not do this all the time but I felt it would be good under careful supervision, not too extreme. Only for a couple hours. Adjustment comes in many forms. Point is - your 'HJ' is going through a transition. Do not let it over dry - or - stay too wet. Try a less sunny spot to see if it reacts differently.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:18 pm
by JustinBoi
Never considered any of those options you listed ! Gosh, I should of. :P
I've had in a shadier spot that got some sun in the early hours of the morning till around noon, and then it gradually got fully shaded.

I was going to take the whole plant and dunk it in the sink, but then since it's mostly all inorganic, the crushed lava rocks would float off...

I use my blue (bonsai) watering can on all of my main bonsai (the 5 of them) and I fill it up twice and do it like that. The first time I water, is the 3 bigger trees (Powderpuff, Horseflesh, and Ficus Retusa) and I use all of it on them equally. Then the refilled one goes to the brazilian rain tree and the bougie, and then after I give them the same equal amount, I take the rest and put it on the bigger ones.
I water them once every 2 days, usually in the morning hours around 7-8.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:28 pm
by TomM
Try a good misting daily - before the sun gets to it and again in the evening - after the sun begins to cool down.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:39 pm
by JustinBoi
Will do !

I was just overlooking my photos and I noticed they look better in person...

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:48 pm
by kdodds
Bougies will do that when repotted or if the soil stays too wet post watering.

Not picking, but most of the wire work I see needs some work. Spirals should be about 45º and parallel to the prior coil prior to bending. The wire should also touch the bark, not too tight, but not loose and set off either. On smaller branches, looser loops can be used more as guides, like a sort of trellis, but this isn't a great practice to get into and breeds bad habits.

That ROR is an awesome start. It's not really styled, definitely not a broom. Looking at the first pic, and JMO, I think I'd chop it and leave only the lowest left branch, leaving the tree to grow out in that direction.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:56 pm
by JustinBoi
Thanks for the help on the bougie.

Regarding the wiring, I was a bit sloppy like I said and I didn't spend a lot of time on it because I thought I should of let it get used to its surroundings but I had already started one of the branches. So I kept going because if I stopped I would of forgot how I wanted it to look.

I haven't styled the ROR one yet, it was like that when I got it.
And what is JMO?...

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:32 pm
by kdodds
Just My Opinion...

Like everything else bonsai, what really MATTERS is what works for you and what YOU like. Others can offer opinions, but you should always feel free to toss them out the window if you completely disagree with them. The only time, I think, that you should really reconsider that is if you're failing to keep your trees alive or unhappy with the way they look. Otherwise, let yourself be your best guide. Hence, JMO, without the whole paragraph to explain that. ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:54 pm
by JustinBoi
I think what I enjoy most about Bonsai is knowing I could do ANYTHING I want to do to my tree, but when it comes to making my trees looking the best they could be and full to their potential then I take everything into consideration that I get. I do appreciate every word that people tell me as advice.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:36 pm
by linlaoboo
how did I miss this post. Nice collection you got there. Like your root over rock. I intent to do that. but my trees are still babies and I will need to find some rocks to stick it under with.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:08 am
by JustinBoi
If you intend to do that, it will be a very good idea. I love that one the most just because it is unique and it holds onto that rock so well. It's sort of fascinating. And I do believe the rock it's growing on is a larger lava rock. It looks nice with the tree itself.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:50 am
by Beecmcneil
These are beautiful!