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Need help saving Peace Lilly

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:12 am
by marlin313
I received a potted peace lilly March 2017 after my grandmother's funeral. I repotted it into a draining pot. I kept it inside the house but the area didn't get a whole lot of sunlight. I was bad about watering and would start to look bad and then I would water. I moved to a different house back in April and my husband had left it sitting outside for a day during the move and it did get sunburnt on the leaves. I repotted it again into a slightly smaller pot than I originally had it in and was able to put it in a decently lit window and watered once and week. I began to notice new leaves springing up. But this poor plant still looks horrible and it has not grown a lilly on it since the flower died shortly after repotting it after the funeral over a year ago. I'm at a loss of what else to do for this plant. I do not want to lose it. Any advice is greatly appreciated.