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Pruning a guava tree

My guava tree is ~15 years old and about 15 ft. tall, and I want to prune it down significantly. I don't want to kill the tree so I'd like to get some opinions on how much I can cut, and what the proper technique for doing so would be.

Thanks O:)

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I would have taken out the sucker long ago. I would thin the canopy and take out crossing branches. Guavas will sucker a lot so you don't want to do a topping so much because you will have to spend a lot of time later taking off most of the suckers.

Guavas are tough even if you cut it down the stump would regrow.

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Hi imafan26, I'm guessing the sucker you're referring to is that 2nd centre trunk, right?

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Yep, that's the one. One of the branches looks like it crosses back to the main branch. Usually you like to take those things out so the branches don't rub and it looks better. I is going to be harder to do that now since it is so big and guava wood is dense. I know, I have to take the wild ones out with a hand saw, really a lot of work but since it is literally growing in my fence, I don't have a lot of choice. I don't have a chain saw anyway.

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imafan26, thank you so much, you've been super helpful :)
God bless O:)

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Francesco Delvillani
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As I know Guava resists to heavy pruning.....anyway I would try to prune severly only half Tree and see how it will sprout....then if all is ok and new sprouts come out, you can prune the rest.

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It depends on where you are I guess. Guava here are like weeds, they are hard to kill. If they are not cut properly they can become a tangled mess. So most people cut out the suckers early.

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