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Strawberries in a tomato cage?

I bought a few allstar strawberry plants for my raised bed and was wondering if these can be grown vertically, with a tomato cage or trellis. And if not, how much space will these take up in my garden? I've got a lot of vegetables to plant!
I live in South Louisiana, for reference.

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Strawberries are ground hugging plants with runners (long tendril like stems with baby plants on the ends that will root when they touch ground. So they can't be grown "vertically" unless you provide soil for them to grow in. But since they are shallow rooted, there are several vertical container planting possibilities.

One DIY I'm thinking of trying is using shipping pallets (line with landscape or burlap cloth, fill with potting mix, plant between slats through slits cut in the cloth, allow them to root and establish, then stand up the pallet on one end.

They also SELL "strawberry planting bag" and "strawberry tower" as well as the classic "strawberry jar".

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Thank you so much for your help! I'll have to look into those options, I want them to have room to grow, but I don't want them taking over all my veggies!

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strawberries will grow in hanging baskets and pocket pots. If they are in the ground, it is best that they be in their own bed as they should last a few years and they will spread by runners. During the summer months, I cover the bed with straw to protect them from the sun, slug bait to keep the slugs and snail away. In the fall, when the straw mulch comes off there are usually baby strawberry plants everywhere.

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Thank you for that extra info!

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