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Do goldenrod get apple cedar rust?

I have... well HAD... a patch of goldenrod by the house, but they got over-crowded and started getting some kind of mold -- lower leaves started getting yellow spots. I thinned them out and sprayed with 10% milk, but it was too late to control the spread. (It's been very humid/wet for the last several days) Today, I noticed that the spots had developed into raised puckers with reddish circle and orange growth -- VERY similar to cedar apple rust. :shock: (I was expecting it to turn into powdery mildew, which is what the patch of Tansy next to it gets every year). I pulled out the whole patch and disposed them in the trash. I'm packing the area with some compost to get some bio activity going there.

If goldenrod is a carrier of Apple Cedar Rust, then I'm going to have to be more selective about where they can grow so as not to increase potential transfer to the apples.... :?

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