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Raspberry Bug

A very small, purplish/blueish, winged, jumps like a grasshopper, very "quick," insect hanging out on my raspberry stalks. I haven't seen this bug anywhere else on my property, only in my raspberry plants, starting this season. I've noticed damage to my yellow raspberries, I.e. brownish and eaten spots on the fruit only. I have now seen them on my red raspberries, although no damage noticed to date. Please help...
Not the best pic, but...
Not the best pic, but...

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Hi K.
It's a new one to me I'm afraid.
The two main beasties that go for raspberry fruits are Raspberry Beetle and the much smaller Flea Beetle.
Your fellow looks nothing like them though.
Check the fruits that have been damaged for any minute little worms in them. That's typical Raspberry Beetle damage and their resulting larvae.
Hopefully these are just incidental.

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Thank you for the response, but this is definitely not beetles. This is soft bodied and more like a grasshopper, but they are not grasshoppers, a little bit different shape/composition. Note, grasshoppers, in numbers, can decimate a raspberry plantation (https://homeguides.sfgate.com/rid-grassh ... 70800.html). No larvae, etc. found. We have dealt with beetles, SWDs, etc., and this is something we have never seen. Please let me know if anyone comes up with something... I am going to reach out to other avenues of support as well.

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maybe a leafhopper?


That is highly magnified. They are very small, less than a quarter of an inch.

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I think so, too -- leaf hopper or plant hopper. Have you seen weedy plants with white bubbles on the stalk? Leafhopper nymphs are hiding inside the bubbles -- they are called spittlebug in this phase.

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I believe you are correct, I was able to catch one of the quick little ones, and although mine is not super magnified, it looks like the leaf hopper. Thank you for your help. Now its time to figure out how to rid myself of them...

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