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English Laurel disease help

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:20 pm
by Wonderingjen
I have several English laurels that seem to have some type of disease. I need help identifying what it is so I know how to treat it. One of the laurels looks pretty rough as you can see from the pics. The leaves are turning brown from the tip down, along with some holes. It's possible they have shot-hole but I'm confused on why the leaves are turning solid brown. There aren't many leaves falling to the ground. We've had a very mild winter with only one snow in zone 6.
We lost a group on Ink berries that were relatively close to the same spot the laurels are planted so I'm afraid whatever it is, is spreading. I don't want to lose any more expensive plants!
Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Re: English Laurel disease help

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:41 pm
by 321Garden
These look like Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken', a smaller cultivar of English laurel with longer, pointed leaves.
The holes in the leaves are shot hole fungus damage, and need to be treated with a fungicide (contact your local arborist for disease management, you need a licence for this)
As for the brown tips, that's usually fertilizer burn, or salt burn. Not sure exactly! Laurels can be cut back into old wood and will regenerate. I would just cut off all the affected branches and let the plant regrow lush green growth.

Hope this helps!
- Jessica

Re: English Laurel disease help

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:09 pm
by DinaK
I am new to this lovely forum and cannot figure out how to create my own, new post... so I apologize, but we need help too regarding our English Laurels. We are scared to death on how they look. Ours do not really have orange tips... but, yellow leaves along with the spotting or holes in the leaves. And , leaf edges that look out of normal shape... I will try to add photos now.
THanks for any advice!