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Help: Fungi on Japanese Maple

I have a Japanese Maple tree in my garden. The tree seems to have developed a serious case of fungal infection. The main tree trunk and all branches are covered with white fungi. I am uploading some photos of the tree. Kindly help and let me know how to treat this.
JapaneseMaple2.jpg (15.63 KiB) Viewed 1228 times
JapaneseMaple4.jpg (18.19 KiB) Viewed 1228 times
JapaneseMaple1.jpg (15 KiB) Viewed 1228 times


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Can you take a picture of the growths very close Vivek.
From the ones you show here, it looks very much like a Lichen. This is a completely harmless fact it is a sign of good air quality.

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I can't really see the growth at all. Usually when people post pictures here, if you click on them they enlarge. For some reason (?) these wouldn't enlarge for me.

But I am curious JONA. If it is indeed lichen, my understanding is that the lichen itself is harmless, but it usually only colonizes dead wood, so if a branch gets lichen on it, it is a sign that the branch is dead. Isn't that right?

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I decided to try to answer my own question and found this:

"Lichens are often found on tree trunks, branches and twigs as the bark provides a stable place to reside to collect needed sunlight, rainwater and materials from the air. They grow on healthy trees, as well as stressed or otherwise unhealthy ones …Many lichens are more evident on stressed or old tree trunks and branches giving the appearance of a "cause and effect" association with disease and decay. The primary reason for their more likely presence on those trees and branches with reduced or partial foliation is the resulting increase in available sunlight. The bark of a healthy tree continues to expand and slough off with the growth of the tree. The bark of an older or stressed tree may become more brittle with more cracks and uneven surfaces permitting lichens to attach themselves more readily. As bark ages, it changes in chemistry, texture, and ability to retain water, thereby influencing the type of lichen capable of living there."

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Location: Sussex. England grows quite happily on healthy trees too Rainbow. My maple in my garden is smothered.' On many of our old Apple trees there is a large covering of lichen.
Many years ago this would have all been cleaned off with the winter wash sprays....Lime sulphur...Overmorts etc.... that we used then.
Now we never use these sprays as its realised that they destroy as many of the 'goodies' as the baddies.
In heavily polluted atmosphere the lichens can't survive as the sulphur killit.

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