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2 tomato plants, grown at same time, different colors?

So I grew 7 tomato plants in 1 pot. I then separated them out and have been consistently using the same watering schedule/methods and same fertilizer but one of my pants is a lighter shade of green. Any ideas on what could cause this?

Greener Thumb
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How about sunshine. Maybe one gets more direct sunlight for more time? The difference most likely is the way they utilize the nitrogen in the fertilization program. Darker green indicates a better or more uptake of N.

At this stage of growth be sure the fertilizer has as little nitrogen as possible. N will encourage green growth to the disadvantage of fruit formation. In containers you do need to fertilize once every week or ten days since watering will flush out nutrients.

The darker green is getting more nitrogen than the lighter green whether because the plant utilizes it better because of its overall health. Photosynthesis is the plant's ability to turn sunlight into energy and more sun makes for a healthier, greener plant. Maybe these are some reasons. I tend to think it is the nitrogen uptake.

Cool Member
Posts: 85
Joined: Mon May 02, 2016 8:29 pm
Location: Southern California, Zone 10a/10b

Gotcha.. yesterday I did put a Jobes organic tomato food stick in the lighter one, it's a 2-7-4 mix so that's fairly low nitrogen and higher phosphorus so that should be enough to start setting more flowers. The darker green one has a ton more fruit and flowers, the lighter green one has 2 growing plants and nearly no flowers at all.

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