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Tomatoes: Favourites, Planting and Care, 2006 Pictures.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 5:56 pm
by Durgan
My favourite as far as taste goes is the Black Russian, Purple Prince and Russian Krim. Usually the fruit is slightly smaller on these types. Sweet million for the small types. I highly recommend the two that are highlighted. I also like Pink Girl, since I am partial to the slightly pink tomato.

Planting: Usually the spacing is 2.5 feet in all directions and they are caged with a 6 or 8 foot rebar if the plant goes beyond the cage, which is usual. With this spacing the direction referring to the sun is not important, since all will get sufficient sunlight. When there are 4 good clusters formed I cut off the leader, since ripening and growth after 31 August is insignificient in Zone 5. I keep the suckers trimmed, but may allow one or two secondaries to form with the starting point just above the first cluster. I don't like one main stem since I feel the plant needs a good quantity of leaves for food and some shade for the fruit. Seldom do I grow determinate types.

This year 2007 I have different types with two plants of each. I don't plant the two types together, but separate in the garden area as insurance, and to see if one plant grows better than the other.

The types I am growing are: Aussie -very large but few tomatoes, Beefsteak, Better Boy, Black Prince, Brandy Wine, Burpee Big Boy, Cherokee Purple, Japanese Monataro perfect shape and a bit later, Lemon Boy perfect if one likes yellow tomatoes, Manitoba eary and very prolific, Russion Krim, Italian Pomaro, Pink Girl, Sweet Million. I recently ordered another tomato that I found on some forum. The name eludes me so I will post when the seeds arrive.

18 August 2006
Close-up photographs of the tomatoes in my garden. The pictures are complete with name in the lower left of the larger image. A few varieties I grew are not shown, since they have not ripened. All types are indeterminate and are for table use.

24 Aug 2006.
I have added the Cherokee Purple tomato to the list. The one plant has about 23 large tomatoes all about the same size. Some split due to a day of rain then hot sun the next day. The tomatoes are of good flavour and texture.
Thess are pictures from the 2006 garden in Zone 5. I had 30 plants of 15 varieties and all were excellent. Notice in some of the pictures the size of the cage wires. They are very strong.
