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Recycled deck tiles in place of pavers

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 6:27 pm
by Jefferson
Hello All,

I just cleared out a '20 by '15 area (300 sq ft) in my yard for a deck and fire pit and I saw these recycled hard rubber deck tiles that snap together and I was wondering if I can use these tiles in place of pavers? As long as the correct layers of material (sand, barrier, gravel) are laid down and it's leveled!?

Any advice or thoughts would be really helpful...


Re: Recycled deck tiles in place of pavers

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 5:12 pm
by gumbo2176
I'm not familiar with that type material. How thick and stiff are they? I do know rubber products span a wide range of rigidity with some of it downright hard. Also, where do you live and what conditions will these tiles be under with weather changes and will extreme cold make them brittle over time?

With pavers, you pretty much have an indestructible surface, but no matter what you do, you will likely have a weed issue where they join.

Re: Recycled deck tiles in place of pavers

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 6:42 pm
by imafan26
I heard about those things. You do have to lay a gravel base and pack it down and level it. The tiles may not be reusable because apparently if they get wet, they expand so it is important that the new pavers stay dry until it is installed and sealed.