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I have a plan, but is it correct?

I have killed the weeds with round-up and have a blank barren space. I plan on spreading Hyponix Extended Feed All Purpose 16-16-16 as directed and then rototill the yard and water it in. Then I was going to spread some no-mow seed I bought and smooth it all out with a giant "field rake". Does that sound like a good plan? Thanks for reading!

Posts: 14062
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Welcome trace. I take it you are planing grass?
I would do more prep. I don't know what kind of soil you have but it is always a good idea to work about 4-6 inches of compost into the soil when you rototil. Increasing organic matter will help hold moisture and improve tilth in clay soil and improve moisture retention in sandy soils. You can probably also work in about 1/2 inch of manure. Try to get a blended compost that is made from at least 5 different sources. Do not add the fertilizer yet. Seeds don't need fertilizer in the beginning and too much nitrogen at the start can cause the seeds to fail to germinate. Wait until the seeds have sprouted and use a starter fertilizer for grass. The package will have instructions on how to use it. It is usually applied with a spreader. The spreader can also be used to distribute the seed by changing the size of the aperture. There are publications available from local extension offices on how to start lawns. Scott's website also has lawn care information. However, you don't have to use all of their products if you can get something similar cheaper. ... prod100044 ... n/34300012

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