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Clay Soil Mess help

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 8:28 pm
by Bubblechaz
Hi, Basically the people who lived in the property before me dug out a huge pond which I agreed to take over. However I pulled up the gravel from all over the garden 350 square meters! to find clay mixed in soil. I spoke to the old owners and they explained when they dug the pond they buried all clay and put a layer of soil on top. So Ive stuck random poles in the ground, Under all this clay soil is really good soil! however in some places the clay soil is 2 inches thick and in others its 10 inches thick. I'm guessing the ground was uneven before because now its pretty even.

Ive done some research and not really being able to afford alot as I have to renovate the inside of the house yet! I'm thinking of using pvc pipe to create lots of holes all over the garden and fill them with sand to act as drainage points and then also adding some gypsum to the ground too. I also red Fescue and rye grass are good for clay soil?

Not looking for anything spectacular as a finished project, just a lawn kids can play ball and ride bikes on.

Any advice would be great! Thanks

Re: Clay Soil Mess help

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:02 am
Hi Bubblechaz
Don't worry too much about your clay. At two to ten inches you will not have a great problem with it. Deep rooted grasses like you have listed will do a good job of breaking up any pan that starts to form. Sand, gypsum or fine grit will work at keeping the clay coloids apart. Clay has its good points as it doesn't leech nutrients like many soils and it retains water better than most too.
Once your lawn is established a yearly forking over will keep the drainage going.

Re: Clay Soil Mess help

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 5:37 pm
by imafan26
I agree, since you said you have good soil underneath, 10 inches of clay can easily be amended with compost and a tiller if you are planting new grass.

I have mostly clay. I still amend it with compost to improve the tilth, but remember not to work clay when it is wet or it will clod up and create a bigger mess.