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Super Green Thumb
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Human hair is 14-0-0

A good source of nitrogen is human hair 14-0-0

Another good source of nitrogen is urine.

Everyone knows manure is good nitrogen.

Coffee grounds are 2-0-0

Watch the video.

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Male urine (my own) is great for composting (full strength) or diluted for use on pale green plants as a fertilizer.

Hair and urine may have contamination from what people put into their bodies. For example, if you are on medication or using illegal drugs then drug reside may be passed on to your soil--growing plants.

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If you think about it the highest NPK you get from organic sources are from animal by products
blood and bone meal, fish emulsion, urea, meat meal, manures. Still I have limits, I do use hair as a barrier for slugs, but I draw the line at pee. Fish emulsion and meat meal really stink. Blood, bone meal, and manures can contain pathogens which you may not know you are being exposed to. Most of the time it won't harm you. Unless you use manures that have not been fully aged or composted or you are downstream from a pasture or animal farm. As far as blood and bone meal go, there is still a warning on the label not to feed it to ruminents. If you think that is not a problem for people, just try to ask the people who were exposed to the stuff twenty years ago that have Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. It is a rare disease that occurs naturally in animals and people, but occurred in higher incidences in people who ate certain organ meats ie sweetbreads and in farmers who regularly used bonemeal. Think about it, what animals are sent to rendering plants, meat grade animals or the old and sick? The risk is very small, but I like to keep my risk as small as possible when it comes to a 100% fatal disease. If I use bone meal, I use fish bone meal. It stinks too, but to my knowledge fish don't get that disease. I still use a mask to keep from inhaling it.

Greener Thumb
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Not really knowing the true facts, I only use fully composted manures. I do not put animal food scraps in my compost pile because it attracts pests. All the information I read says to not do what I do not do. Maybe I can pee on the compost pile. As for hair, what is the timeline for decomposition? I have seen documentaries where human hair thousands of years old is still in place. How can the N factor be usable no matter the amount? Blood meal, bone meal and fish emulsion are used by lots of folks but not by me for some reason.

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