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Goldenrod allergies: true or false?

In the wooded area where I live, the goldenrod grows wild and free like crazy. The road is lined with its yellow plumes; it's lovely but is it scary? I've heard about goldenrod pollen being a source of allergy problems, and it makes me wonder if it's one of the causes of mine. According to Google, however, goldenrod is NOT a allergy problem source. If not then, I'd like to know where it obtained its bad reputation. :?

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Maybe do an allergy test on yourself, rubbing blossom on a small area of your skin? Have some of that allergy gel handy, in case you do get some reaction.

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When I get a sinus infection, it doesn't involve rashing. It begins as a horribly sore throat, aching ears, draining and for weeks after, congestion. The main thing I'm wondering here, is goldenrod an actual source of many peoples allergies?

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I have heard that people mistake the source of their allergies and attribute them to goldenrods which are blooming prominently during the same time of the year, but the actual culprit is often ragweed. This has turned out to be the case for me.

Ragweed is a member of chenopods and is related to pig weed, orach, mugwort, eupatorium.... Their flowers tend to be less conspicuous, but release massive amounts of pollen.

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Ah, ragweed. Guess I never thought about ragweed. Like I said I live in the woods, so there is all kinds of weeds around. I Googled ragweed(so many species!!) and I have seen some weeds in my yard that look similar....but I'm no weed expert(unless it's pulling them).

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Goldenrod pollen is too heavy to become airborne. To cause allergies, pollen needs to float in the air to get up your nose. Goldenrod has showy flowers so people have assumed it is the culprit rather than the real villain ragweed that has nondescript flowers with loads of light, floating pollen.

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Ah, I see now. In that case I better start checking my yard for suspicious ragweed looking weeds!

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Are ragweed plants perennials or annuals? If I pull plants before they bloom and flower, they shouldn't come back, right?

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Technically, allergies is an autoimmune response to an allergen. Anybody can be allergic to almost anything. It really depends on the sensitivity of their immune system. Most people will not be allergic on the first contact, but may become sensitized at some point. Future contact with the allergen can cause the response to become more intense.

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And some people have what is termed sensitivities or reactions to certain pollens which are not technically allergies. Confusing? You bet! Lots of research being done and there are several professions in the field willing to make money to help solve our problems.

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Interesting. My sinus infections are usually in the springtime, with one exception I had one 'attack' a few years back in October. I blame my allergy on some weed because I've noticed I would get sick not longer after someone mowed. Once, years ago my throat started hurting right after coming inside after the yard was weed-eated. I figure whatever weed pollen I inhaled upset me immediately. Perhaps my problem is ragweed...but I actually have not had a sinus 'attack' for a couple of years now.

Another thing I it true if you eat honey made from local bees, will it help make your sinuses resistant to weed allergies?

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Raw honey does have enzymes that do boost the immune system. However, raw honey, even though it is filtered may still contain pollen which is the most common allergen. The amount is usually very small. Unprocessed honey may contain other things as well like botulism which is why you don't give it to children under 1 yr or anyone with a compromised immune system. Honey does contain antioxidants and enzymes which help to digestion. These enzymes are lost when honey is heated.

Honey is a preservative and can also be used to heal some wounds as it has antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties and it was used by the Egyptians for medicine.

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But does the honey need to be local, so it may contain pollen from flowers that bloom around here for it to work better on your immunity, or does it not matter where it comes from as long as it's raw? 'Cause somebody told me local honey from around your area was better for you. I know where I can get local honey, trouble is it's not cheap. Wal-Mart would have cheaper honey, but it wouldn't be very local.

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So that yellow flower plant is golden rod. I have heard the name golden rod but never knew until now what it is.

I have terrible allergies, my father had allergies, my grandfather on my mothers side had allergies. I inherited a double dose if allergy DNA. It is good that I took lots of technology classes in college it helps me to under stand what causes allergies.

Dust, any kind of dust, very fine particles is an irritation to your nose. Your nose takes those particles directly into your blood, this makes your blood toxic. If the particles turn out to be, pollen, mold, mildew, etc that makes it even worse.

Mucus inside your nose fills up with millions of those particles and keeps you exposed to them all the time. Wipe inside of your nose out with a paper towel about 1 time every hour all day. Wash inside of your nose out with water. Poke a small nail hole in the cap of a water bottle, pour 1 teaspoon of salt into the water bottle, shake well then squeeze bottle, squire water in your nose to clean it out.

Make sure your furnace filter stays clean. Buy several box window fans put 1 in every room of the house then turn it on. Put a furnace filter on the front of each fan the fan suction will hold the filter in place. This will clean the air inside the house. Furnace filters get expensive so I use wet bath towels. Pour a bottle of pancake syrup into a 5 gallon bucket with about 3 gallons of water put bath towels in bucket then squeeze out extra water. Put bath towels on all the fans. Fan sucks air through bath towels stick syrup catches the pollen & dust like sticky fly paper. Rinse towels out dip then is sticky water again put them on the fans.

Spring & fall when temperatures are is about 60 degrees & wet from rain this is perfect conditions for mold & mildew. Air will be full of, mold, mildew, mushroom spores. These particles are so small they go right through a furnace filter but they get caught by sticky wet towels. Be sure to rinse towels clean sometimes so all the junk it catches goes down the drain.

Make sure your furnace duct work has no leaks. Keep house doors & windows closed. If your house has a crawl space have it covered with plastic.

Alcohol has the ability to clean your blood. You don't have to drink much 1 teaspoon of alcohol several times a day is very helpful. I have a bottle of E&J Brandy it is 40% alcohol and several bottles of wine. 1 tiny teaspoon of alcohol will not make you dizzy or drink but it is enough to help clean your blood. When my allergies are putting me through hell I take 1 tsp brandy about 4 times every day and 3 ounces of wine at bed time.

This year wife & I both have had terrible allergies part of our problem is the housing construction going on many new houses are being built right behind us and the wind blows from that direction ever day. We put a new furnace filter in every day it gets totally plugged up with brown dirt dust every day. We stopped buying furnace filters 1 a day is too expensive. I cut a piece of hardware cloth wire with 1/2" holes same size as a furnace filter, wrapped it with sticky wet cheese cloth end of the day it looks like brown mud. Rinse and replace every day.

This all helps prevent allergy problems & sinus infections. 1 teaspoon of salt works just as well as expensive dry up the nose medicine.

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Just got back from a Utah National Parks loop. While there my allergies went through the roof. I thought dry air and altitude would help out. Hah! Discovered that sagebrush pollen was at an all time high and in the danger zone. Back in flat land everything is coming back to "normal."

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I don't have a furnace, my main concern on allergies is weed pollen. But thanks for the nose cleaning idea! I need to carry some wet paper towels in my purse when I go out, and when I pass by anybody mowing their yard, I can pull over and...well, as long as nobody sees me. 'There goes that woman that always has a paper towel sticking out her nose...'

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