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How to transplant Boston Ivy ?

Hi everyone,

I'm an experienced transplanter -- I dig up all sorts of stuff and transplant successfully, based on the idea that I dig ALL the roots out and transplant the whole plant without root shock.

But I have a problem. I have some boston ivy vines I want to transplant, but the stuff is growing under some big juniper bushes. I can't really get underneath there to dig out the entire root system like I normally would.

So could I transplant this ivy by cuttings? Such as -- cut a length of it, place that in water for a few hours, then replant in a moist place? Will that work?

Thank you for your advice.

Super Green Thumb
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Ivy calluses readily at the joint between stem and leaf. Plant the bumpy end down in a soiless mix. I suppose you could also rub on some rooting hormone, tho it ready roots at the joint.

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Thank you, Tom, great advice. Just what I needed. This should work for me. Cheers!

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