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My Rubber Plant is Dying

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:51 pm
by jenevievewoon
I bought my rubber plant two weeks ago and initially thought that she was dropping leaves form the shock of the move. But she has been continually dropping leaves and I'm starting to get increasingly worried about her!

I've realized that the dropped leaves have medium to large brown spots on them, picture attached. I also have images attached of the plant and soil (just watered the plant yesterday so it looks wet but has had excess water drained off).
Any help at all will be so greatly appreciated.

watch watering

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 3:14 pm
by may91
I had one of these but I killed it I was told that I watered it to much try not to water it with your other plants I just bought another one and going to try it again, I'll see if what I was told works. :?: