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Help is my Bonsai ok?

I’m new to bonsai care. I have had this guy for about 6 weeks or so and he has recently started to drop a few leaves although he has new green shoots growing with fresh leaves but I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong to make some leaves fall off? I check the soil everyday to check it is still damp. Is that the correct method for watering? I am worried about overwatering as I have read that is more damaging than underwatering.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

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Super Green Thumb
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It's a willow leaf ficus and it is dropping leaves because stressed. Looks like over watering and too little light.

You don't want your soil to stay damp. Here's a thread with info about bonsai care: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=1479

Your tree needs to be in front of a window (preferably south facing) or have a lamp shining on it.


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Thank you for your reply. It is in front of a window but not sure if it’s south facing. It’s the window that gets the most sunlight in our entire house but I will try a lamp too. How long do you leave the lamp on for per day?


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You want a lamp to be 4-8 inches above the plant with a daylight fluorescent bulb or grow light. LED grow lights are very expensive flourescent is cheap. Leave it on 14-16 hours a day. If you can take the plant outside, it should be hardened off and kept outside as long as it is not freezing. Most bonsai trees will be happier if they can spend summer outdoors.

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